Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition

Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition

1,406 ratings
Asylum Reborn - HD Texture Pack
By GPUnity and 1 collaborators
HD Texture Pack, New Launcher, Console Commands Support etc.

Compatible with Steam, EGS & GOG versions.
This guide aims to show fans and newcomers of the game how to get the very best experience with Arkham Asylum. Players are free to tailor the game to their tastes. There are three key ways to improve visuals:
  • HD Texture Pack
  • Advanced BmLauncher
  • Reshade Shaders

  • For newcomers who want to experience the game as intended while still benefiting from graphical upgrades, install just the Advanced Launcher & HD Texture Pack. Leave Depth Of Field enabled in the Advanced Launcher settings.
  • Navigate with the sections list on the right. All downloads are kept in the Downloads section.
  • This guide is focused on the Steam version of the game, but all mods work with the EGS version.
  • Take note of the game's install directory. Steam users can do this by right-clicking the game in the Steam library: Select 'Properties' > 'Local Files' > 'Browse...'
    The game's directory should be revealed in File Explorer.

Our Arkham City Update has dropped!

Each downloadable file is covered in individual sections throughout the guide
HD Texture Pack
Advanced BmLauncher
BmLauncher zip[]
by Neato
Reshade Presets
Reshade Presets V0.9[]
Reshade injector by Crosire

Do not update Reshade or any shaders. Doing so may cause visual errors with this game
Joker + Prey In The Darkness DLC Files - Requires Patcher
File - 256mb[]
ported by Catspaw & Floobagop
Joker + Prey In The Darkness DLC Patcher (Steam & EGS)
File - 0.5mb[]
New simple patch method to allow game to run Joker + DLC files. No more hex editing required.

Steam users can navigate to the game's install directory by right-clicking the game on Steam, selecting Properties > Local Files > Browse.
HD Texture Pack
HD Texture Packs improve surface quality on objects and characters throughout a video-game.

Click on an image for a bigger preview
Carefully re-created body textures with adjusted specularity that is more in-line with Arkham Knight's material work
Realistic skin bumps. Hair normal map now lines up with hair strands
Completely overhauled normal map
Damage areas more closely resembles Arkham City
Seamlessly replaced shirt material

¬ Installation
This tutorial video by VeryThickBoy covers how to install the mods on this page. Please refer to the video if experiencing issues during the installation process.

Size Requirements
Backing up CookedPC folder will take 5gb, and Texture Pack installation requires an extra 3.5gb to install. CookedPC back up is not required, but is still suggested.

For anyone who intends to play the Joker or Prey In The Darkness DLC, install it first. Make sure the DLC runs properly before proceeding with texture pack installation.

Texture Pack Install
Extract Asylum Reborn contents to the game directory
\Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY\

Steam users can navigate to the game's install directory by right-clicking the game on Steam, selecting Properties > Local Files > Browse.

Back Up "CookedPC" folder before proceeding with Texture Pack installation.

Run the installation batch file in the game directory

1. Apply the texture pack fix using Advanced Launcher (refer to New BAA Launcher section for more info)
2. Launcher will edit the config files automatically to support the texture pack
¬ Community TexMod Files
Texmod relies on specific codes to know what textures to replace, but the codes for many character textures change when the texture pack is installed due to those textures being changed.

Texmod mods either have to be ported to work with the texture pack (ideally by the modder themselves), or the textures they mod should be removed from the texture pack files so the Texmod codes remain the same.

If it's a Batman skin mod, Batman's textures should be removed from the HD Texture Pack folder before installing the texture pack. The CookedPC folder should be reverted to vanilla before doing so. If the right files have been removed, then the skin mods will still work through Texmod.

Porting the textures from the mod so they can be installed directly to the game is ideal, but the modder responsible for the mod will have to share the original texture files and rename them accordingly. The texture format has to be .dds when porting and the settings are usually BC1/DXT1 with auto-generated mipmaps. Up to 4k resolution is supported for character diffuse and normal map textures. Ported textures have to be placed in the HD Texture Pack folder before installation.

Texture installation tools used available here for any modders who want to port their textures:

Locating the new Texmod codes to replace the texture pack textures isn't suggested, as the codes can change randomly.
New BAA Launcher

Designed by Neato. Adds more launch options.
- HD Texture Pack support, improved graphical adjustments, FoV hotkeys, increase FPS cap etc.

Refer to the Downloads section for Batman Arkham Asylum - Advanced Launcher - download in the downloads link of the page.

Hovering the mouse cursor over any setting will provide context.

Preset options are also available (Optimised, Ultra or Asylum Reborn) which will automatically handle the advanced graphics section.

New Launcher convenience
Many settings in the configuration files are absent in the original Launcher. The "Advanced BmLauncher" created by Neato is purposed to be a simple executable which covers every major configuration edit in one interface: shadow adjustments, FoV hotkeys, etc. Additionally, it applies necessary changes for Texture Pack support and skipping intro movies.

Advanced users can choose the "manual mode" option if they want to re-edit configs.
¬ Installation
Extract - BmLauncher.exe & NLog.dll should appear.

Go to the game directory: Right click the game on Steam, and select Properties > Local Files > Browse Local Files. This will open the game directory in File Explorer. Open the "Binaries" folder.

"BmLauncher.exe" is inside this folder - back it up if preferred. Transfer the downloaded files (BmLauncher.exe and NLog.dll) to this folder. Overwrite if prompted.

NLog.dll is used to help with troubleshooting any issues by creating a log document. - It's required for BmLauncher.exe to run.

The game can now be started directly from Steam, and will prompt the new launcher automatically.

Advanced BmLauncher - Source Code[]
Advanced BmLauncher - Read Me[]
Advanced BmLauncher - Report Issues[]
¬ Basics

Frame Rate Cap
An option not available in the vanilla launcher.
Vertical Sync
Will lock the frame rate if there's enough GPU headroom. Good for frame-time consistency and will eliminate screen-tearing.
Detail Mode
This is the "Texture Quality" settings under a different name. Use the highest setting if running the HD Texture Pack.

The rest of the display settings are self-explanatory.
¬ Additional Graphics Settings
Vanilla Launcher
Advanced Launcher

Use one of the preset options if overwhelmed by the number of settings. Tooltips appear when hovering over each setting.

Depth Of Field
Uses blur to simulate depth. Most noticeable when zooming in as Batman.

This effect is always enabled by default in the vanilla game. DoF is tied to colour grading.

Disabling DoF will make the colours of the game appear more natural to life. No more strong tints (like blue or red or green, depending on the area). The colour tints are intentional as part of the game's art direction, but some will prefer it removed as it's rather strong and obscuring. Disabling DoF will boost performance, by a small amount.
Texture pack not injected for this comparison

Some users also prefer to remove blur in their games, and DoF in this game obscures the view distance. If using Reshade, then disabling DoF for the best graphics is suggested. Reshade is used to re-grade the game - refer to LUTs section for examples.

Anisotropic Filtering
This will improve texture clarity over oblique surfaces. Vanilla game forces 4x AF. Pushing this up to 16x is a notable improvement, and a free upgrade for any modern GPU.

The clarity of the ground tiles drop over distance with 4x AF

Shadow Quality
The vanilla shadow quality (Low) has a shadow map resolution of "512", resulting in low quality shadows with evident shimmering.

Every quality tier doubles the resolution. "High" changes the shadow map resolution to 2048, providing a significant improvement to shadow quality. Other shadow parameters are automatically handled based on the shadow quality selected.

Nvidia HBAO+
Horizon Based Ambient Occlusion (Overview)[]

This setting is exclusive to Nvidia GPUs, as it relies on NvAPI. AMD users can use Reshade AO.

HBAO+ will not apply on character models, only environments. HBAO+ does not work in windowed mode. Flag used is "0x00000030".
¬ Launching The Game
After choosing preferred settings, select the Texture Pack fix. This will edit the necessary texture group values, allowing the HD Texture Pack to run properly.
"START GAME" will automatically apply selected settings.
¬ HUD & Field of View options
The Advanced Launcher will automatically enable HUD & FoV toggling.

Recently added. Enables Console Commands for debugging.

HUD - Heads Up Display
Disabling the HUD means the healthbar and other UI elements will disappear. Certain areas require HUD for progression - namely forensic scanning segments.

FoV - Field of View
The bigger the FoV value, the wider the in-game view is. Will reduce first person zoom amount as a side effect. Change to default FoV if needed.
Reshade[] is a post-processing injector developed by Crosire for use in almost any game. It allows users to write and add custom post-processing shaders to adjust a game's visuals.

The Reshade presets designed for this game are very carefully tuned to improve visuals. No over the top contrast-y or reflection heavy presets.

Anti-Aliasing and Ambient Occlusion must be disabled in the launcher if using Reshade presets beyond "Light Mode". Different Anti-Aliasing solution is included with Reshade. Disabling Depth Of Field is suggested if using LUTs. HBAO+ can be used in conjunction with Reshade.

Extract the Reshade presets file (from the Downloads section), and copy the contents to the "Binaries" folder (where the game is located)

Launch the game. Reshade is now installed and ready. Initial load may be slow.

Reshade Hotkeys
Toggle Reshade window on and off.
"Page-up" & "Page-down"
Scroll through Presets - "Absurd" is the most demanding preset, and "Light Mode" is the least demanding. Refer to the Presets Chart section for more info.
Toggle Reshade effects on.
Toggle Ambient Occlusion shaders (incl. Global Illumination)
Toggle Cinematic mode - will induce mouse-based motion blur. This mode will also add Chromatic Aberration, Film Grain, and Auto-Focus Depth Of Field. Has negative bleeding artifacts on the game HUD.
NOTE: Hotkeys can be configured in the settings tab of the Reshade window.

Shaders can be individually toggled with the checkbox in the Reshade window. Presets names are at the top of the window (4 - Regular).
¬ LUTs
All comparisons are with DoF disabled, which removes the vanilla colour tints. Leave DoF enabled if preferred.

MultiLUT for colour grading:
The MultiLUT shader is used to rotate between multiple LUTs (Look Up Tables) - This is a colour reference chart used for professional colour grading. It's the definitive grading method in Reshade because it's light on performance. Adobe Premiere is the main software used when designing these LUTs.

The LUTs (from "Colour Correction" through to "Dark Knight Option 2") are all custom LUTs. More options are available below these LUTs, as they're MultiLUT's default options - they were not designed for Arkham Asylum and should be ignored.

Performance Mode needs to be unchecked at the bottom of the Reshade window when changing LUTs.

MultiLUT.fx Shader by Otis

Vanilla LUT
Colour Correction LUT
Cinematic Option 1 LUT
Cinematic Option 2 LUT
Cinematic Option 3 LUT
Black & White LUT
Dark Knight Option 1 LUT
Dark Knight Option 2 LUT

Vanilla LUT
Dark Knight Option 2 LUT
¬ Shaders
Reshade shaders used to improve graphics

Ambient Occlusion
MXAO: Ambient Occlusion shader by Pascal Gilcher. Ambient Occlusion is used to simulate realistic lighting by adding shading to the corners of objects.

SMAA (Subpixel-Morphological-Anti-Aliasing) is an Anti-Aliasing method developed by Crytek. SMAA is a great AA method that has been adopted by many games as it doesn't drop performance significantly and mostly maintains visual sharpness.

Bloom adds a soft glow to anything bright. It's commonly used in daylight areas of games to improve atmosphere. Also used in night areas of games for light sources.
For Asylum, it's been added to provide the illusion of global illumination (light bouncing). The intention is to make lighting appear more realistic in a subtle manner. Shader used is 'Pirate_Bloom'.

Fog is used to give the game a thicker atmosphere. Particularly noticeable in the beginning of the game, when accompanying Joker into the Asylum.
Shader used is "PD80_06_Depth_Slicer" by Prod80.
¬ Presets Chart
Scroll through the presets using "Page Up" and "Page Down". MultiLUT/Colour Grading changes will have to be made on a per preset basis.

Presets are ordered by performance impact, from the lightest preset to the heaviest.
Light Mode
Applies Bloom, Colour Grading and SMAA (AA). - Never uses the depth buffer.
Low End
Same as "Light Mode", but adds a low res pass of MXAO (Ambient Occlusion).
Same as "Low End", but adds Fog and improves MXAO quality. Very performant option.
Pushes MXAO even further, and adds ReflectiveBumpMapping to subtly simulate rear lighting. Quite demanding.
High End
MXAO to the max, very demanding Preset.
This preset should be ignored for a polished play-through, as it will induce visual artifacts. This preset goes all out and is for fun. RTX 3090 / 6900 XT is suggested for this preset at 4k.

- Pushes AO intensity and range (visible bleeding through smoke and windows)
- Additional layer of Ambient Occlusion to cover smaller crevices
- Two layers of Global Illumination
- ReflectiveBumpMapping quality is improved
- Fog shader is ramped up in opacity to better simulate volumetric lighting (will bleed through UI and affect game-over screens)
¬ Play as Joker + New Challenge Maps: Prey In The Darkness
Play As Joker
The 'Play as Joker' DLC was originally an exclusive for PS3. When Arkham Asylum eventually released for Mac OS, it was packaged with the PS3 DLC. The necessary files were ported over (by Catspaw & Floobagop) for the Windows version. The game executable also has to be configured in the process. Additionally, the Prey In The Darkness challenge maps were ported over, which include areas not available in the campaign.

DLC installation
Extract and copy the contents to the game directory: \Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY\
Overwrite when requested. For anyone who intends to use this DLC, install it before installing the HD Texture Pack to avoid potential file conflicts. Test the DLC is installed correctly before proceeding with Texture Pack installation.
¬ 4k Cutscenes
With the power of machine learning, pre-rendered cutscenes have been improved and elevated in quality. More info and download here:
¬ Knightfall Overhaul - Difficulty Mod
Optional mod for players looking for a more difficult experience. Should be installed before Asylum Reborn. Check Knightfall Overhaul Readme if Asylum Reborn is already installed.
vs. Return To Arkham
Return To Arkham (Asylum)
More shadows

Changed art style
Limited to 1080p rendering (even on Xbox One X)
Still uses original 720p cutscenes in some cases to save budget
Some graphical bugs
Inconsistent frame rates

PC Version + Mods
Much higher resolution
4k cutscenes
60fps and beyond
Updated textures sometimes higher in resolution
Console Commands
Any controller or K+M

Low quality distant island objects
No rain
Minimum Requirements*
Intel Core I5-3330
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 (2GB)
6 Gigabytes
AMD FX-4100
AMD Radeon R7 260 (2GB)
6 Gigabytes

* These are the minimum requirements that will let you enjoy this mod to its fullest extent.
The values we determined are very safe and you might still be able to run the mod without issues with lower specifications.
FAQ & Troubleshooting
Why are you still using Texmod for some textures?
The game has a hard resolution cap for certain textures (particularly environment textures), meaning the quality can't be pushed for some of them. This is something we haven't been able to solve. If anyone knows a solution, please reach out to us on our Discord server.[]

Since Texmod injects by external means, it doesn't have to worry about this resolution cap and so we've relied on it for a few textures where it makes sense to, and have kept the file extremely small to keep loading times minimal.

Can you add rain?
We're not sure how to and we've mostly moved away from Arkham Asylum to focus on Arkham City. It may be possible to add rain with the help of UE Explorer. If anyone wants to give it a try or has some modding knowledge, get in touch with us on Discord.[]

Should I use Reshade AO if i'm using HBAO+?
Only Nvidia cards can enable HBAO+ since it's on the driver level. Enabling both is fine, and some will want to as HBAO+ only applies to environments.

If you've installed the Reshade presets, you can toggle Reshade's AO shaders with the "End" key. If you're using Launcher Anti-Aliasing, then stick to HBAO+, as the game's AA solution can interfere with Reshade's depth based shaders.

"S**t happened, d'oh!" error when using Texmod
This is likely because of your anti-virus. Texmod is completely safe to use.

Dark Cutscenes with Reshade:
This is a side effect of the MXAO shader. You can reduce the impact by lowering the MXAO ambient occlusion intensity (in the Reshade window) - or you can use Nvidia HBAO+ and disable MXAO.

Texmod failing to load the game automatically from the Launcher
Adjusting the WinWaitDelay in the default.ini file in the Binaries folder may solve this. Higher values are better for slower computers.

The second way to fix this is to right-click your desktop after launch. This should resume the script if it's paused.

Alternatively, remove "texmod_autoload" in the Binaries folder. Rename "Texmod.exe" to "texmod_autoload.exe". This will remove the script, and force the Advanced Launcher to launch regular Texmod instead. This means having to manually select the .tpf file every time.

Shadow banding/artifacts on character models
Lower the shadow coverage settings in the launcher.

Advanced Launcher:
"Unhandled Exception: NVAPI_ACCESS_DENIED" when using BmLauncher, how do I fix this?
This may come from a faulty driver install or outdated drivers for Nvidia cards. Please update your drivers to the latest version.

For anything Advanced Launcher specific, please contact the tool creator directly.

Report issues here[].


Main (alphabetical)
Evergreen[] - Covered some environment textures, and general assistance with other textures. Config experimenting and shared Unreal Engine 3 knowledge.
F4lc0[] - General testing and feedback. Handled communications between servers and other modders.
GPUnity - Covered character textures and numerous others.
Hecusoldier - Updated some environment textures such as dirt, clouds and skyline textures. Did a long play test of the HD Texture Pack. Check out their Assassin's Creed Series Texture Packs!
Neato - Created the Advanced Launcher and processed 4k cutscenes which are featured in the Asylum Reborn trailer. Assisted and provided feedback with project.
VeryThickBoy - General testing and feedback. Created the extensive tutorial video.
Wastelander[] - Engine researching and experimenting. Heavy testing and documenting findings.
Wasteland Ghost[] - Created texture tools and made it possible to install HD textures directly to the game files. Check out their many amazing mods!

Special thanks to MrJAG for their many useful findings and community support.

Reshade Shader Developers: BlueSkyDefender, Jacob Maximilian Fober, Luluco250, Martins Upitis, Otis_Inf, Pascal Gilcher, PirateKitty & Prod80

Catspaw & Floobagop - for the Play As Joker mod (quote taken from forum) "Special thanks to catspaw for his outstanding modding work and to Floobagop for researching and documenting the Mac version of the game."
ChaotcelV3 - For noting compatibility with GOG version.
Crosire - Reshade lead developer

Thanks to the Arkham modding community and thanks to everyone for waiting patiently for this update!
Mr. Marooned May 14 @ 7:27pm 
Not sure if I this error is related to this, but has anyone else gotten a "level cave_B#_Static.TheWorld.Persistentlevel: SErial size mismatch: Got 408513, Expected 748995"
GPUnity  [author] May 12 @ 3:32pm 
@Goopy you changed the reshade setup or you have anti-aliasing enabled while running reshade. The reshade presets pack should be the only reshade files and not touched at all beyond changing presets to avoid any flickering issues.
Goopy May 11 @ 4:35pm 
the light is flickering on my screen every now and then. is this a launcher issue or a reshade issue? need help.
Average democracy enjoyer Apr 19 @ 6:19am 
The BAT file (hehe) for the installation of HD textures states in CMD that \ImportTexturesFromDDS.exe is not recognized as a command, program or batch file. Yet all the files it needs are in the correct place. So what now?
jacksroughriders Apr 4 @ 1:45pm 
I don't have an anti virus and am still getting the "shit happens D'OH". Anyone knows how to fix that.
Alter Mar 29 @ 7:07am 
whenever I run the launcher nothings happens. Can only run the game through running it directly
opengame Mar 22 @ 5:01pm 
Guysss I found a fix for the Reshade Presets problem "rendering thread exception". The issue seems to be that the d3d9.dll file seems to be causing conflict. So I got a different d3d9.dll and replaced it and it worked (I would've put a link for mine here but Steam doesn't allow it, but how I got it was by using the ReShade Setup program which I found somewhere on youtube, and it helped me generate a stable d3d9.dll file)
opengame Mar 19 @ 2:23pm 
Hi, installing everything was fine except for the Reshade Presets mod, I did the same thing you did, but every time I try to launch the game while having the reshade mod, the game doesn't launch and I get an error message "rendering thread exception". But if a remove only the reshade mod and run the game with the other mods I installed from this guide, the game works fine. Can anyone help me?
TankBoy Mar 8 @ 5:25am 
not working
Foz Man ☦ Feb 29 @ 9:01pm 
Please make something like this for Origins it needs it so bad