"Don't you want to experience a love like that some day?" As dreary days roll by, who should appear before Tokiha Sai but Emiya Hanabi, his childhood friend and first love, who he had alienated long ago. That is the start of a day that seems like a dream.
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Planned Release Date: 2025

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About This Game


"Don't you want to experience a love like that some day?"

As dreary days roll by, who should appear before Tokiha Sai but Emiya Hanabi, his childhood friend and first love, who he had alienated long ago.

That is the start of a day that seems like a dream.

Hanging out with former friends like the old days, this time is irreplaceable.

"This world is our ideal world - a parallel world."

There's only one way back to our original world. We have to find the magician that brought us to this world while we're still on summer break. And then we have to decide between this ideal world and the real one.

If you could go back to those days, what would you do?


  • Visual novel developed by Loptsoftware

  • Japanese voice acting (except main protagonist)

  • Improved functionality and presentation

  • Updated opening movie

  • Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese language options


System Requirements

    • OS: Windows 10, 11
    • Processor: Intel Core i5 2.8 GHz and above
    • Memory: 2 GB RAM
    • Graphics: 1920 x 1080 supported video card
    • DirectX: Version 10
    • Storage: 4400 MB available space
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